JUDICIARY Latest Features

Thirty Day High Court Criminal Session in Kasese
The Resident Judge of the High Court at Fort Portal, Hon. Justice Dan Akiiki Kiiza has decried the high level of moral degeneration, especially the increase in sexual crimes in Kasese District. The Hon. Judge was speaking at the opening of a one month special High Court session at the Kasese Chief Magistrate Court to try 30 capital offences in Kasese. The session which begun on Tuesday 17th September is expected to end 4th October, 2013.

Hon. Justice Akiiki noted that men were continuing to violate the opposite sex especially young girls. He said that aggravated defilement topped the list of court cases at his disposal. He further urged the political and religious leaders in the district to preach against moral decadence.
Posted 17th, September 2013
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